Several navigation tools are available on Fund Filer. Which you choose depends largely on personal preference.
site map
This is shown at login and accessible at any time from the ‘home’ tab
Further detail about this is shown on this article.
‘your account’ pull down menu
The pull-down menu under ‘Your Account’ features the main five sections of Fund Filer: setup, donors, donation entry, reclaims and reports. Sub-sections for each of these appear when mousing over the corresponding main section name.
This menu features a further tab not on the sitemap named ‘Your Subscription’, for managing your account with Fund Filer.
‘quick jump’ on donations pages
Each of the main donation entry pages features a ‘quick jump’ pull-down top right of the header bar on each donation entry panel. This takes you straight to any of the other pages used for recording gifts.
This feature also includes a special link for monies raised via sponsored events.
using the back button
Fund Filer is designed to work perfectly well when the back button is used to return to the previous page.