It is crucial to complete this part of Fund Filer correctly. Incorrect authorised signatory details are by far the most common reason for HMRC to reject a repayment claim .Authorised signatory information is entered on Fund Filer's 'organisation details' page.
Your charity’s records at HMRC will have one or several people named as having authority to deal with the charity’s tax affairs. These are 'authorised signatories'. Often it is only one person, but if there are several, only one needs to be recorded on Fund Filer. This information for that charity and person forms part of the submission and must match what is held at HMRC or the claim won’t be paid.
Authorised signatories are only recognised by HMRC once a CHV1 form has been completed. See our article, change of officers and compliance for more on this.
The main user of Fund Filer is not always the authorised signatory. If you are not this person, think carefully about who is. If you aren’t sure, seek out correspondence between your charity and HMRC. This will often show the details you need.
A signatory’s first and last names, house number or name, post code, telephone number and email address are all minimum mandatory requirements for a successful Gift Aid submission.