The donations part of Fund Filer is where users spend most of their time, once initial set-ups are complete and donor records created. It is by far the busiest part of the Fund Filer system.
There are eight ways of creating donation records on Fund Filer, depending on the type of posting required.
The best page to start at is individual donations.
Other donations pages work in a very similar way to ‘individual donations’ and are generally simpler in structure. They should be straightforward to use once ‘individual donations’ has been mastered.
For fast posting of regular donations, recurring donations is a great timesaver.
There is a dedicated page, GASDS, for recording donations under the Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme.
A useful method of combining many small donations covered by Gift Aid is to aggregate them. This is not to be confused with GASDS, which is for non Gift Aid donations. Aggregated donations also have a special page, explained in our aggregated donations article.
The introduction of HMRC’s Charities Online service brought with it a facility to make adjustments to correct earlier errors in repayment claims. There are two separate pages for these on Fund Filer, one for Gift Aid adjustments and the other for GASDS adjustments.
Fund Filer can also handle sponsored donations, which require recording in a slightly different way to regular individual donations.
Our system is designed for recording of all receipts. Use loose cash for posting amounts that fall outside Gift Aid, GASDS and for which there is no need of donor gift tracking.