This is the best starting point for recording donations on Fund Filer.

Use this page to record donations from individuals where Gift Aid is due to be reclaimed.

The pages comprises two parts:

  • a form for specifying the donation detail
  • a useful list beneath showing recent postings

the form

Complete the details on the left side of the form concerning the specifics of the donation: date, amount, fund it is attributable to and payment type.

The right hand side is for finding the donor to whom the donation relates. Search for the donor using any of the three criteria, whichever is most convenient for you. It is not necessary to populate all three fields. Any one will do.

Fund Filer will offer the donor or donors matching the criteria given. If the right person has not been presented, choose ‘search again’ and try different criteria.

completing the record

Choose the correct donor by clicking the green ‘select’ button next to the correct name.

Fund Filer will indicate the selected donor by highlighting in green. Complete the process by clicking ‘record donation’. The new record will appear at the head of the ‘previous 10 entries’ list below the data entry form.