understanding the list
The recurring donations list is a collection of references to past donations, created to save time when recording the same donations in the future. Think of it as a list of donation templates.
The recurring list is not a list of donation records! Deleting them will make no difference at all to the underlying donation records held for you in Fund Filer’s database.
Calling up the list
Go to the initial ‘recurring donations’ screen from the donations section of Fund Filer, using either the site map reached by clicking ‘home’, or the pull down menu.
Fund Filer will prompt for a date to auto enter into the records ready for posting. This is to save time keying in the dates manually. Enter the date most likely to apply to the most records you intend processing. They can always be edited if some are not correct.
Click ‘Go to list’.
recording recurring donations
Fund Filer will present the list, sorted by reference as a default, and showing the last amount posted for that donation record.
Group the donations of interest, for example, ‘envelopes’ or ‘standing orders’. Sort if necessary by any of the headings.
Amend any dates or amounts as necessary, tick those to be recorded and note the totals at the foot of the list. One gives a count of the number of donations selected. The other gives a total to be recorded.
Select ‘record’ at the foot of the page, to add all the selected donations to your account.
Once posted, Fund Filer invites the user either to return to ‘regular donations’ or go back to the ‘recurring donations’ opening page.