GASDS preparation
Fund Filer creates a default attribute ‘general GASDS’ in all accounts to define the type of GASDS donation being recorded. However, before recording anything under GASDS, consider which part of the scheme you wish to use. See our article: 'top-up and community buildings explained', if you are not sure.
If you are using the 'community buildings' part of the scheme, set up your buildings before starting. See ‘community buildings’ under ‘setup’ on Fund Filer. This is a very straightforward process in which the building record is created by entering first line of address and post code. Once created, the building will be offered on the main 'GASDS' page.
Users of the 'top-up' part of the scheme do not need to do anything special.
Recording GASDS donations
Once necessary preparation is complete, recording GASDS donations is extremely easy.
Reach the page for recording GASDS receipts from the donations part of the ‘your account’ pull down menu or from the donations section of the home page site map.
Complete the fields on the left hand side as appropriate. The ‘item note’ field on the right hand side is for your convenience but is not mandatory and is not submitted when claiming.
The GASDS page will also indicate any donations which appear to qualify for GASDS. You can administer this from this page, or wait until the claiming stage, when you will once again be offered the opportunity to add these in. See 'non-taxpaying regular donors' for further help.
Amending and deleting donations
If amendments or deletions are later required, use the links to the far left of each row on the list towards the foot of the page. This only works if the donations concerned have not yet been claimed.
If the donations you wish to edit or delete have already been claimed, use 'GASDS Adjustments' to adjust your next claim. See our article, 'making Gift Aid and GASDS adjustments' for further help.