This page is a master list of all donors in your account.
It can be sorted by any of the headings. Clicking twice on a heading reverses the sort.
Access individual donor records by clicking the last name, which appears as a green link in the list. If your list is long, use the search box to find someone specific. using either last name, post code or reference.
Donors can archived or deleted from this list using the green links on the right of each row.
Archived records can be viewed by selecting the ‘show archived’ button to the right or the search box at the top of each page.
The green panel, top right, also contains links for exporting your list of donors. All name and address details are exported. The 'Import from Excel' link takes you to the 'Donor Upload' page.
For ease of scrolling, Fund Filer creates a new page every 50 records. These records can be downloaded as a spreadsheet, either as a single page or all donors.