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donor records
creating donor records
uploading donors
donor references
using the donors list
reviewing donation history
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donors and compliance
taxpayer status and Gift Aid declarations
donor names
donor addresses
retrospective claiming windows
general donor FAQ
A donor was entered onto Fund Filer as a non-taxpayer but has now completed a Gift Aid declaration. How do I add their past donations to a future claim?
A tax paying donor has been set up as a non-taxpayer. How do I change this and ensure that Gift Aid is claimed on the donations I’ve already entered?
A non-taxpaying donor has been set up as a taxpayer. How do I correct this?
I’ve changed a donor address on Fund Filer but the record still shows the old address. What have I done wrong?
I am creating donors for a specific reference sequence and Fund Filer won’t offer the next available number. Why not?
donor upload FAQ
The system ‘hangs’, apparently not doing much, why is this?
Fund Filer is reporting a mass of errors and not uploading all of my records?
Why is Fund Filer saying there is nothing to upload?
Why is Fund Filer uploading some records and not others?
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