If you have donor records in electronic format, consider uploading in bulk to save time, rather than creating the records individually.

Download our template ‘donors.xls’, from the ‘Upload Donors’ page. The file name 'donors.xls' must remain unchanged (you can change the file name after you have uploaded the file to Fund Filer).

Populate the sheet as indicated. Green columns are mandatory. Ensure that every donor for whom you intend reclaiming Gift Aid has a date in the declaration date field, even if it’s 01/01/01. Leave non-Gift Aiders blank.

Your data can be imported into Fund Filer via the ‘step 2’ dialogue box on the ‘Upload Donors’ page. Use ‘choose file’ to show Fund Filer where your file is and click the green ‘upload button’.

Uploading is one of the most common sources of support calls to Fund Filer. Please therefore read the donor upload FAQ before starting your upload to learn how to avoid the most common pitfalls.